Tips & Resources

Embracing the Summer Season: Reflections on Self, Body, & Nourishment

Summer is a season filled with vibrant memories and present-day traditions, from parades and picnics to fireworks and family gatherings. These moments, while joyous, can also evoke a complex mix of sensations —some pleasant, others challenging. As we navigate these, let’s reflect on how they shape our sense of self, relationship with our bodies, and how we nourish ourselves.

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Navigating Closet Grief: Embracing Change in Your Wardrobe

As spring cleaning ensues, many people are inspired to declutter closets and reevaluate wardrobes. If you’ve ever done this, you know it can be more than just deciding what clothes to keep or donate—it can also be an emotional journey. Memories, emotions, and even a sense of loss might surface as you let go of pieces that once held significance.

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