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Nourishment and Well-being — A Nutrition Blog Series

Wooden whisk and bowl, symbolizing cooking and nutrition blog
Disordered Eating & Eating Disorders Carolyn Milles Disordered Eating & Eating Disorders Carolyn Milles

Breaking Free from the “Clean Plate Club”

The "Clean Plate Club" is a habit many of us grew up with — being told to finish every bite on our plate, regardless of how full we felt. While this practice was often encouraged with good intentions, it can disconnect us from our natural hunger and fullness cues, making it harder to eat in a way that truly nourishes our bodies.

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What to Do When Your Clothes Don’t Fit After Weight Gain

Many people are inspired to declutter closets and reevaluate wardrobes. If you’ve ever done this, you know it can be more than just deciding what clothes to keep or donate — it can also be an emotional journey. Memories, emotions, and even a sense of loss might surface as you let go of pieces that once held significance.

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How to Have a Positive Summer Body Image

Summer is a season filled with vibrant memories and present-day traditions, from parades and picnics to fireworks and family gatherings. These moments, while joyous, can also evoke a complex mix of sensations —some pleasant, others challenging. As we navigate these, let’s reflect on how they shape our sense of self, relationship with our bodies, and how we nourish ourselves.

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The History of Diets & Diet Culture

In the ever-evolving world of nutrition, we are constantly bombarded with claims about the “best” diets. Each year, a new “right way to eat” or a “secret” to weight loss emerges, and we are often quick to jump on the bandwagon.

Warning: This blog discusses dieting and disordered eating trends throughout history. Please use caution and discernment—if you're not comfortable with this topic, you might want to skip this post.

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