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Nourishment and Well-being — A Nutrition Blog Series

Wooden whisk and bowl, symbolizing cooking and nutrition blog
Intuitive Eating Alison Swiggard, MS, RDN, LD Intuitive Eating Alison Swiggard, MS, RDN, LD

Embrace Joyful Movement for Better Health & Happiness

Exercise. Often, this is a word that is feared. A word that means punishment, discomfort, and pain for some. Diet culture pushes exercise, framing it as a "chore" or "task" that we all must do and setting high expectations for what "counts." Today's focus is on learning how to ENJOY movement. 

*This blog post might not be meant for you if your current focus is to rest. Everyone is on their own journey with movement, and if you are currently refraining from activity, this might be a post to skip.

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Disordered Eating & Eating Disorders Lauren Hebert, MS, RDN, LD Disordered Eating & Eating Disorders Lauren Hebert, MS, RDN, LD

Eating Disorder Awareness: Things to Consider

What has your experience or exposure been related to disordered eating? Do you have the right tools or resources to support yourself or someone else? Are you looking to spread awareness and share the prevalence of eating disorders throughout your profession or community? There is no better time to increase awareness and advocacy as this week is National Eating Disorder Awareness Week.

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Understanding Food Neutrality: Embracing All Foods Equally

What is food neutrality? Essentially, food neutrality is the practice of unlearning dichotomous and moralistic thinking (i.e., good vs bad) when it comes to food. It helps us work toward being more objective in the way we think about food and helps shift our language about food and eating.

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Debunking 4 Common Intuitive Eating Myths

It is difficult for many people to imagine having a peaceful and positive relationship with food and their bodies these days. It is safe to say that most have experienced some hang-ups, if not a fraught or disordered relationship with food and their body at some point. Fortunately, the messages that keep us from having a positive relationship with food can be unlearned and replaced with helpful beliefs and behaviors.

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Mental Health, ADHD Carolyn Milles Mental Health, ADHD Carolyn Milles

Practical Strategies to Combat Cooking Burnout

Today, it’s very easy to get caught in a comparison trap, especially as we connect with others through various forms of social media. While social comparison theory tells us that it's normal for us to compare our lives and circumstances to others, it’s generally not helpful and can be incredibly destructive if we are comparing our food choices.

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