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Nourishment and Well-being — A Nutrition Blog Series
Understanding Set-Point Theory: Exploring Weight Regulation
Your body knows best when it comes to weight. Learn how to find your set-point and achieve your healthy weight by tuning into your body's natural cues.
Strategies to Help Picky Eaters Enjoy Mealtime
Mealtime can be more than just nourishment - it can be an opportunity to build a strong bond with your little ones. Discover why mealtime is so important and how you can make the most of it.
Game Day Grub: 6 Easy Super Bowl Recipes
Hosting a Super Bowl party? These 6 easy and delicious recipes are sure to keep everyone satisfied throughout the game.
CV Wellbeing Cookie Exchange
With winter quickly approaching, we are likely moving our activities indoors. Connecting with food in the form of its preparation can help bring joy (and fun) to the forefront. To celebrate the season, our team compiled a list of their favorite cookie recipes just in time for holiday parties, family gatherings, or to enjoy by yourself near the fire.
Embrace Joyful Movement for Better Health & Happiness
Exercise. Often, this is a word that is feared. A word that means punishment, discomfort, and pain for some. Diet culture pushes exercise, framing it as a "chore" or "task" that we all must do and setting high expectations for what "counts." Today's focus is on learning how to ENJOY movement.
*This blog post might not be meant for you if your current focus is to rest. Everyone is on their own journey with movement, and if you are currently refraining from activity, this might be a post to skip.
Eating Disorder Awareness: Things to Consider
What has your experience or exposure been related to disordered eating? Do you have the right tools or resources to support yourself or someone else? Are you looking to spread awareness and share the prevalence of eating disorders throughout your profession or community? There is no better time to increase awareness and advocacy as this week is National Eating Disorder Awareness Week.
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