Your Trusted Nutrition Blog in Maine
Nourishment and Well-being — A Nutrition Blog Series
Raising an Intuitive Eater: Pediatric Nutrition Series
Develop a positive relationship with food for your toddler by learning how intuitive eating can combat picky eating. Learn more in our Pediatric Nutrition Series.
Unveiling the Impact: Social Determinants of Health Explored
Health is more than individual choices—it’s deeply influenced by social, economic, and environmental factors. This blog unpacks the concept of social determinants of health, such as access to healthcare, education, income, and community support, and how they impact physical and mental well-being.
Twelve Benefits of Intuitive Eating
Intuitive eating is a revolutionary approach to health and wellness that prioritizes self-care over restrictive diets. Learn how it can benefit your body and mind.
How to Stop Weight Cycling and Yo-yo Dieting
Weight cycling, often referred to as "yo-yo dieting," can take a toll on both physical and mental health. This blog dives into the science behind weight fluctuations, exploring how repeated cycles of weight loss and regain can affect metabolism, heart health, and overall well-being. Learn why sustainable, weight-neutral approaches to health are more effective.
Intuitive Eating Tool: How to Use the Hunger-Fullness Scale
Tuning into hunger and fullness cues can be challenging. The Hunger Fullness Guide is a tool designed to make tuning into these cues a bit easier. Read to learn how to use this tool as a part of your intuitive eating journey!
Understanding Set-Point Theory: Exploring Weight Regulation
Your body knows best when it comes to weight. Learn how to find your set-point and achieve your healthy weight by tuning into your body's natural cues.
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