Your Trusted Nutrition Blog in Maine
Nourishment and Well-being — A Nutrition Blog Series
Maine Summer Food Resources: Ensuring No Child Goes Hungry
In Maine, 179,680 people face hunger, and 45,790 of them are children. Hunger doesn't take a summer break, and many families struggle to provide enough nutritious food when school is out. This post shares some resources that can help bridge the gap from schoolyear to school year.
Maine’s Sustainable Seafood Journey: Ocean to Table
This blog spotlights seafood: sustainable practices in the industry, nutritional benefits, local sources, and recipes for preparation, concluding with tips on what you may do to enhance the sustainability of our precious and shared water supply. Read on to explore this important piece of Maine’s agriculture.
Nourishing Your Mind: Exploring the Gut-Brain Connection
Discover how the foods you eat can influence your mental health and emotional well-being. This blog dives into the connection between nutrition and mood, exploring how nutrients like omega-3s, probiotics, and complex carbohydrates can support brain function and reduce stress. Learn practical tips to create a diet that nurtures both your body and mind.
The Ladder of Nutrition Needs: Understanding Gentle Nutrition
Does it often feel overwhelming to think about nutrition or food? Is it hard to keep up with the latest health recommendations? Food doesn’t have to be challenging or boring to be “healthy.” In fact, we may be making things worse for ourselves by focusing on the little things with every new suggestion that gets thrown our way.
The History of Diets & Diet Culture
In the ever-evolving world of nutrition, we are constantly bombarded with claims about the “best” diets. Each year, a new “right way to eat” or a “secret” to weight loss emerges, and we are often quick to jump on the bandwagon.
Warning: This blog discusses dieting and disordered eating trends throughout history. Please use caution and discernment—if you're not comfortable with this topic, you might want to skip this post.
How to Support a Loved One with Eating Disorder Recovery
Many people feel lost when they are trying to support a loved one with an eating disorder. What do I say? More importantly, what do I not say? This blog post will answer some of these questions along the way.
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