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Nourishment and Well-being — A Nutrition Blog Series
Cultivating Joy Year-Round: 5 Tips For Wellbeing
As summer winds down and we prepare to reenter the school and work year, it's common to experience what some call the "September Scaries." However, rather than succumbing to the stress and anxiety, let's explore ways to carry the vacation vibe with us throughout the year.
Practical Strategies to Combat Cooking Burnout
Today, it’s very easy to get caught in a comparison trap, especially as we connect with others through various forms of social media. While social comparison theory tells us that it's normal for us to compare our lives and circumstances to others, it’s generally not helpful and can be incredibly destructive if we are comparing our food choices.
Maintaining Emotional Wellness During Quarantine
We know that regular routines or habits can give us a sense of ease and consistency in our lives. On the other hand, being forced out of your regular day-to-day could also be an opportunity to re-examine those habits and see if or how they are serving you. If you find a disruption in routine to be anxiety-provoking, this could be a sign that it’s time to check in with the intention(s) behind your habits.
Brain Foods: The Science Behind Food and Brain Health
On wellness, we often think about eating healthful foods, being active, and getting enough rest. But being well encompasses more than just our physical bodies. Mental health is trending in the primary healthcare setting and for good reason. It has been estimated that 1 in 5 adults experiences mental illness in a given year. Let’s talk about it.
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